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MP3.Cat Interface Walkthrough

hold the mouse pointer over different parts of the picture below to see a description.
This is the Main Screen of MP3.Cat.Toggle to List ModeToggle to Search ModeTools MenuHelp button.  Click for an explanation of all the features of MP3.Cat.Double click to toggle Always Ontop ModeDouble click to toggle Show On Taskbar ModeClick to open a new list.Click to Open a saved list.Click to Save a list.Click to save a list under a different file name.Click to Open or Play the selected file from the list.Click to Play or Open a random file from the list.Click to add a sound file to the Winamp Playlist.  This feature only works for Winamp.Click to Remove the selected file from the list.  The file will not be deleted from your hard drive.Click to see the credits for MP3.Cat.Click to Exit MP3.CatDisplays the status of MP3.Cat.  Red is busy, Green is idle.Displays the number of total files on the list, as well as the number of the currently selected file.Displays the current filter.  Click on the arrow to change.  The filter defines the type of files added when adding a directory to the list.Displays the name and path of the current list.Enter a directory of file to add to the list, or select a previously entered one from the menu.Add the file or directory from the box at the left to the list.Click to select a directory to add to the list.Click to select a file to add to the list.Displays all files on the current list.  Right click on this list for more options.

Frequently Asked Questions

I hope you find the answers to your questions here. If not, send us an email.

How Can I...      Why...

How Can I...
                  make a list of files?
                  open or play files from the list?
                  associate my list with a CD or CDR?
                  make a HTML / Playlist / Plain Text copy of my list?
                  search my list for a file?
                  copy a file to my computer from another computer on a network?


• How can I make a list of files?
     -The first step is to select the type of file you want to be on the list by changing the filter at the bottom of the       main screen.
     -Second click on Add File, or Add Directory to select a file or directory to the list. If you add a directory, all files       of the specified type in the selected directory will be added to the list.
     -Repeat the second step untill you have added all the files you want on the list.
     -Click on Save As to save the list for quick access to your files later on.

• How can I Open or Play files from the list?
     -First, select a file from the list by clicking on it. When a file is selected, it's text will appear in bold print.
     -After you have selected a file, press Play/Open to open the file in it's associated software.

• How can I Associate my list with a CD or CDR?
     -First make a list of files that are on the CD or CDR and save the list.
     -After you have saved the list, select "Associate Current List with CD/CDR" from the Tools menu, under       Removable Media.
     -You will see a message prompting you to enter the drive letter of the CD or CDR. Enter the drive letter and       press enter. Now the list is associated. To auto-load the list, put the CD or CDR into a drive and select "Load       Associated List" from the Tools menu.

• How can I make a HTML / Playlist / Plain Text copy of my list?
     -Load a list into MP3.Cat, or add the files that you want.
     -From the Tools menu, select either Output to HTML, Playlist, or Plain Text.
     -Select the options that you want and save the file.

• How can I search my list for a file?
     -Load a list into MP3.Cat, or add the files that you want to search.
     -Click on Search near the top of the MP3.Cat window.
     -Enter the text you wish to search for in the entry box and press the Search button.
     -If the text you entered is found in any list entries, they will be added to the Search list.
     -To save your search results, right click on the list and select Save Search Results.

• How can I copy a file to my computer from another computer on a network?

     -Add a file or directory to the list from the network by clicking "Add File" or "Add Dir" and browsing Network       Neighborhood.
     -Select the file you wish to copy.
     -Right click on the file, select "Import/Copy File To..." from the menu, choose the destination directory, and       press enter.

          do some features not work when Always Ontop Mode is selected?
          does MP3.Cat sometimes not restore when I click the icon on the taskbar?
          doesn't the Enqueue function work for me?


• Why do some features not work when Always Ontop Mode is selected?
     When Always Ontop mode is enabled, the MP3.Cat windows float ontop of all other windows. Unfortunately      this includes some of its own windows. This means that sometimes when you click on a button, the window      that normally pops up gets hidden behind another window, and the program seems frozen. We're still working      to correct this.

• Why does MP3.Cat sometimes not restore when I click the icon on the taskbar?
     This problem arises when when Show On Taskbar mode is enabled, and you press the minimize button. It      works fine untill you try to restore the window. We're working to correct this problem, but untill we do you will      just have to click the icon two or three times untill the window appears. This bug is eeeevil. It is the fru-it of the      dev-eel.

• Why doesn't the Enqueue function work for me?
     The Enqueue function only works with Winamp! If you do not have Winamp, you should probably get it (you're      welcome Nullsoft) but If you don't have it, this feature will not work. In future version I hope to make this feature      compatible with other MP3 players. If you DO have Winamp and it still doesn't work, go into the MP3.Cat      Settings and make sure the Winamp Path is correct. As far as compatibility with different Winamp versions... I      know it should work with Winamp 2.6x and 2.7x, and most likely many other versions.


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